EHS Audit
IFC (World Bank Group) Approved Independent Consultant

consulting and audit assignments
Ready to serve anywhere you are
Across the continents
14+ years
at the forefront of Environmental Advisory Space
20+ types of Industry Sectors
Covering Manufacturing, Mining, Agri-Business, Power & Utility, Warehouse, Construction, Services, FMCG, Logistics and Many More.
Consultivo conducts Environmental Health and Safety Audit or EHS Audit to identify the EHS risks in your unit/operations that may lead to a loss. We are a practicing EHS Audit Company in India and our EHS auditing process is conducted by industry veteran EHS auditors. They identify the areas of strength & weakness and provides a structured approach to continual improvement.
We have completed over 1,000 EHS audits and provided EHS compliance assistance around the world. Our projects range from compliance audits to international due diligence, comprehensive EHS auditing to large-scale reviews, and environmental assessment.
The purpose of an Environment, Health, and Safety (EHS) Audit program is to provide an objective assessment of the adequacy of the management of EHS risk at a site level.
Our quantified assessments are used by global organisations to benchmark their EHS management system against international best practices and country legal requirements.
What will you get – the audit outcome
During the audit, you get substantial non-tangible benefits like
- Higher engagement of site-level EHS professionals in spreading the technical knowledge across the organisation
- Improved EHS awareness level of the line function people
Upon completion of the audit process, a detailed report is prepared by the Consultivo auditors. The report content generally includes:
- Executive summary including graphical performance indicators & noteworthy efforts
- Compliance status with EHS standards, statutory and regulatory requirements including Safety Compliance
- Overall summary of site EHS performance including strengths and areas for improvement.
- Comprehensive and segmental quantified rating/scoring (applicable for protocol assessment)
- Findings & recommendations for closing the gaps and improvement
- Action plans
- Photo gallery
Solutions - How Consultivo can help
Remote Support
On-Site Support
Blended Support - Remote & On-site
Comprehensive EHS Audit
We offer a comprehensive Environmental Health and Safety – EHS Auditing service covering
- EHS Management Systems including policies, objectives, management programs, environment & safety organisation structure, responsibility & authorities
- An extensive review of production, materials, processes, by-products, wastes, and the associated EHS management systems
- Risk management process – HIRA and Aspect-Impact Analysis
- Compliance checks and reviews including Consent to operate, licenses, permits, authorisations, periodic submissions to statutory bodies, legal compliance management, and extent of compliance
- Investigation of on-site and off-site waste disposal practices
- Measurement & monitoring of EHS parameters and performances
- On-site inspection and employee interviews, EHS competence
- Preparation of a comprehensive report by our experienced EHS auditors and management-friendly finding checklists
Consultivo is a practicing EHS Audit Company in India with a full range of EHS and Environmental Consultancy services backed up by decade long experience.
EHS Compliance Audit
EHS Legal Compliance audits are focused on assessment & review of the statutory, regulatory, obligatory requirements applicable to the organisation. They cover a detailed evaluation of the following:
- System of EHS Legal compliance management, legal register, submission of statutory returns/reports
- Laws relating to Water pollution
- Law relating to Air pollution
- Other Legislations on Hazardous Chemicals, Hazardous, Biomedical, Plastic and e-Waste, Batteries Management and Handling, Industrial disaster
- The Factories Act, Rules, Mining Act & Rules, Building and Other Construction Workers Act – BOCW
- Indian Electricity Act and Rules
- Static and Mobile Pressure Vessels (Unfired) Rules, Explosive Act & Rules, Boiler Act/ Boiler Regulation, Petroleum Act and Rules, Gas Cylinder Rules
- National Building Code
- Workmen Compensation act
- Chemical Accidents (Emergency planning, preparedness & response) Rules
- Central Motor Vehicle Rules
- The Atomic Energy (Radiation Protection) Rules
- Public Liability Insurance Act & Rules
- Any other applicable statutory, regulatory and obligatory requirements
- Review of preparedness on proposed/upcoming Legislation
Consultivo being a practicing EHS Audit Company in India offers a full range of EHS services backed up by decade long experience.
Find more on EHS Auditing
Environmental Audits
Environmental Audits evaluate the extent of environmental compliance against statutory requirements and management system implementation gaps against national international standards, industry good practices.
Find more on Environmental Audit
Safety Audits
Our Safety audits identify the areas of strength & weakness and provide a structured approach to continual improvement.
Find more on Health and Safety Audit
EHS / Environmental Due Diligence (EHSDD / EDD)
We conduct evaluation on behalf of organisations and project proponents as part of their due diligence around investments, mergers and acquisitions. EDD or EHSDD identifies the potential & existing EHS risks or hazards associated with the activities or project.
Find more on Environmental Due Diligence Audit and EHS DD
Navigating the way to
ESG & Sustainability Due Diligence
Supporting Investment – Merger – Acquisition
Standards for EHS Audits
Several requirements, standards, guidelines and fact sheets are available in
- Indian and international standards like IS 14489, ISO 45001, ISO 14001, ISO 14011
- World Bank EHS Guidelines
- Country-specific legal requirements – Safety Compliance
- Corporate policies and procedures
- Consultivo proprietary protocol
The uniqueness of consultivo solutions
Consultivo provides Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS), management system support and audit services for all levels of government, institutional, commercial, industrial and mining clients. Our solutions are:
- Creative and innovative solutions that are often required to resolve complex problems
- Unique, end-to-end and customised to your existing system & need
- In line with statutory requirements, national and international standards, guidelines and industry best practices
- Delivered by industry experienced practical and competent consulting team of EHS Auditors
- Delivered with Consistency in high standards achieved through a robust QA process including auditor training, calibration and performance monitoring
Custom Made Services
Do you have a need for something else in your organisation that does not fit into the scope of a regular EHS Audit?
We are happy to work with you to develop custom- made service that meets your stated needs. You can rely on our expertise to advise and guide you in your journey towards effective risk management.
Send a mail to [email protected] or Call +91 98311 45556
Let's discuss
Impact Stories
The impact we create. The excellence we inspire.
Read a few of our stories as we partner in the management system excellence journey of different organisations as a management systems audit and advisory firm.
Design and Implementation and Maintenance of Integrated Management Systems Framework comprising of ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001 and ISO 50001 standards.
The company is one of the largest manufacturer of grey cement, ready-mix concrete and white cement with multiple plants in India. They decided to implement IMS – Integrated Management Systems.
The detailed risk assessment of each standards helped us to identify applicable controls. We developed the framework and policy documents. This was followed by the implementation facilitation.
The organisation was certified by one of the most reputed International CBs.
Relevant Standards and Protocols used:
ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, ISO 50001 and Industry Good Practices
Manufacturing – Cement
Multiple Manufacturing Units Spread across India
22000+ workpersons
Design and Implementation of ISO 9001, ISO 14001 & ISO 45001 Systems, support for certification and system maintenance.
The customer is an integrated electrical utility company engaged in generation and supply of power to residential, commercial, and industrial customers.
The individual management systems were developed in line with the power & utility industry requirements and certified.
Relevant Standards and Protocols used:
ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001 and Industry Good Practices.
Power and Utility
Multiple Locations in India
8000+ Employees
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Some more answers to your questions – FAQ
What are the benefits of using an EHS Audit Checklist?
Benefits of EHS Audit Checklist
Developing a checklist of things to look for during an EHS auditing process helps EHS auditors through the entire process and reminds them of all topics or points in the scope of the audit.
But, we need to remember that checklists are by no means all-inclusive. EHS Auditors should use their own judgement, sampling method and peripheral knowledge to verify the EHS compliance.
What are the benefits of EHS Audits?
Benefits of EHS Auditing
There are several benefits to an EHS audit if it is properly conducted and acted upon. An audit
- Checks whether the significant hazards are identified in a systematic way and adequate control measures are taken
- Status of compliance in terms of legal, statutory and regulatory requirements
- Improve opportunities in workplace safety to reduce facility and personal liabilities
- Serve as a learning tool
- Increase awareness and understanding of environmental and safety through interactions with experienced EHS auditors
- Be an opportunity to demonstrate the facility’s commitment to compliance
- Potentially identify ways to improve the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of the compliance program
Voluntary EHS auditing process may be viewed favourably by regulatory agencies. An audit completed thoroughly with proper follow-up signifies that the facility is making an honest attempt to comply with applicable statutory and regulatory requirements.
Who are these EHS Audits for?
An EHS Audit is useful for all companies within any sector and industry type.
It finds more relevance with the companies
- require a status assessment of their current EHS performances against compliance and industry good practices
- require a structured route for moving towards achieving best practice status
It is applicable for organisations of any size, irrespective of whatever stage of the EHS management journey they are on.
Organisations who have started their journey of implementing an EHS management system can use these audits as a road map for both short and future plans for EHS performance improvement.
For organisations with a long-standing commitment and higher performance, the audit provides a strong third party validation of current policies, processes and practices.
It includes recommendations aligned with best practice that allow you to continually improve.
Consultivo is a practicing EHS Audit Company in India with a full range of EHS services backed up by decade long experience.
EHS Due Diligence - Think with Consultivo
Non financial issues have become very important to transactions like Mergers, Acquisitions, IPOs, Joint Venture, and supply chain governance, Consultivo maintains a competent team of professionals dedicated to ESG related due diligence and transaction support services.
We review both the tangible and intangible ESG risks and liabilities associated with a transaction, as well as identifying ESG elements which will provide ongoing value post deal.
Consultivo provides complete range of transaction support due diligence services in India and around the world, that include:
- Environmental due diligence or EDD
- Environmental and Health Safety due diligence or EHS DD
- Safety Compliance Audit
- E&S Due Diligence – ESDD
- ESG Due Diligence
- Human Resource Due Diligence HRDD
- Environmental and Social Impact Assessment or ESIA
- Environmental Audit
GLOBAL Experience