Audit and Assurance

Verification & Assurance Solutions

IFC (World Bank Group) Approved Independent Consultant

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audit, verification, gap assessment & due diligence projects in last two years

India, SAARC Countries & Middle East

Ready to serve anywhere you are

14+ years

at the forefront of Audit and Assurance Advisory Space

20+ types of Industry Sectors

covering Manufacturing, Mining, Power & Utility, Construction, Service, High rise Buildings and Logistics


Audit and Assurance Consultancy Solutions

We believe that a management audit or assessment is actually much more than checking compliance. We provide risk management solutions through audit in the areas of sustainability, risk management and business excellence.

Consultivo – The unique experience

Consultivo as an organisation has acquired wealth of knowledge acquired a wealth in numerous global auditing codes and standards; while partnering with its customers in the capacity of an advisor, consultant, assessor or trainer.

As an organisation, Consultivo Knowledge Management systems and competent resources are well organised to support our customers on any generic or industry/organisation specific audit and assurance processes in Sustainability, Business Risk and Business Excellence.

Solutions – How Consultivo can help

Remote Support
On-Site Support
Blended Support - Remote & On-site

How can we help with management audits?

Consultivo audit and assurance team can provide you a complete status report of any organization, project, process or facility with Gap Assessment AuditsCompliance AuditsCustomized Protocol Audits, or Assurance Audits against a set of requirements.

We understand your as well as your stakeholders’ requirements on sustainability, business excellence and business risk issues, identify the relevant national & international standards and codes of practices, integrate their requirements and customize them to your industry practices.

We offer a complete range of support to develop & customize codes and standards those are supported by interpretation and implementation guidelines. They are practical, effective and easy to use for that particular industry. Often further support is provided with capacity development programs.

Our team has rich experience in social issues, community development and sustainability practices. We work with global codes, standards and guidelines especially GRI Standards, ISO 26000, CSR Legal requirements in India, National Voluntary Guidelines, Stock Exchange Requirements like SEBI BRSR Requirements, IFC Guidelines etc.


What we deliver in the form of audit report

Quality Content

  • Risk based, Priority
  • Reflects what the management needs to know – Risks, Controls, Priorities, Compliances and Improvement Opportunities.
  • Alignment with national & international standards & national legal requirements
  • Recommendations, Action Plans

Right Communications

  • Management dashboard with analytics, graphs, charts, infographics
  • Clear guidance for operational professionals and executors
  • Professional and easy to understand quality language, clear and concise

Let's discuss

Curiosity Zone

Some more answers to your questions – FAQ

Auditing is a process of verification, to ensure compliance to requirements.

An audit may cover an entire organizational process, system and activities or might be specific to a function, process, or production step.

Some audits have special purpose or focus, such as adequacy checks, compliance checks, strategic risk identification, system effectiveness & efficiency checks, performance, or following up on completed corrective actions.

Management Audit Types
  • first-party audit is performed within an organisation by their own personnel against a predefined scope and criteria.

A first-party audit is generally an internal audit conducted by auditors who are employed by the organization being audited but independent of the areas being audited.

  • second-party audit is an external audit performed on a supplier by a customer or their representative.

Generally, a second party audit is being carried out based on a contract and they tend to be more formal than first-party audits. The audit results generally influence the customer’s purchasing decisions.

  • third-party audit is performed by an independent audit organization and is free of any conflict of interest.

Independence of the audit organisation is a key component of a third-party audit. Third-party audits are generally used for certification, assurance, registration, recognition, etc.

Standard for Management Audit or Management System Audit

ISO 19011:2018 is an international standard (guideline) for auditing management systems.

This document has defined principles of auditing, how to manage an audit programme and conducting management system audits.

Guidance on the evaluation of the competence of individuals involved in the audit process has also been defined here. These activities include the individual(s) managing the audit programme, auditors and audit teams.

It is applicable to all organizations that need to plan and conduct internal or external audits of management systems or manage an audit programme.

The application of this document to other types of audits is possible, provided that special consideration is given to the specific competence needed.

Management Audits can be broadly classified under the following categories:

Process audit: 

This type of audit verifies the limits and controls of a process with a focus on the possible risks and their associated control measures. Process audit includes checking conformance, and availability of required resources.

They also check the adequacy and effectiveness of the process controls established by procedures, work instructions, flowcharts, and training and process specifications.

Process Safety Audit is an example of a process audit.

Product audit:

This type of audit is the verification of a particular product or service, to evaluate whether it conforms to requirements (i.e., specifications, performance standards, and customer requirements). It is an extension of inspection or conformity assessment.

System audit: 

An audit conducted on a management system is called a system audit. It verifies the adequacy of the system, compliance, effectiveness and efficiency.

A quality management system audit or an environmental system audit is an example of Systems Audit.

GLOBAL Experience



Consultivo and Slate of Swan wish you joy and cheer this festive season.

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