BRSR | Business Responsibility and Sustainability Reporting

Independent Business Responsibility and Sustainability Reporting – BRSR Consulting & Advisory Solutions

Gap Assessment | Advisory, Consulting, Support | Benchmarking | Reporting | Training

IFC (World Bank Group) Approved Independent Consultant

Create value through  transparent and impactful BRSR reporting

Use our expertise in compliance review, data handling advisory, report preparation and effective communication.

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PAN India

Mumbai, Kochi, Thane, NCR, Indore, Bengaluru, Chennai, Kolkata, Visakhapatnam, Guwahati, Jamshedpur

Our Presence


Gap Assessment, Handholding, Benchmarking, Reporting assignments for ESG and BRSR

India, SAARC Countries & Middle East

Ready to serve anywhere you are

14+ years

at the forefront of the ESG, Social & Sustainability Advisory Space

20+ types of Industry Sectors

covering Manufacturing, Mining, Power & Utility, Agri-Business, Chemical, Engineering, Construction, Services, FMCG, Logistics and Many More


BRSR Advisory and Consultancy

Investors, corporations, private equity firms, and stock exchanges are increasingly seeking robust ESG management as part of their due diligence around investments, mergers, and acquisitions.

The move towards BRSR is in line with the emerging trends globally on reporting on ESG matters.

The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) introduced new requirements for sustainability reporting by listed entities. The new reporting called the Business Responsibility and Sustainability Report (BRSR) will replace the existing Business Responsibility Report (BRR).

Worried About Your BRSR Report? Think With Us!

Our Featured Blog

New Blog

Unlocking BRSR Reasonable Assurance: Explained For Every Business Leader

Read the blog on BRSR Reasonable Assurance

Consultivo – The unique experience

Consultivo as an organization has acquired a wealth of knowledge and expertise in numerous multi-location environmental, health & safety, and social projects and ESG efforts; while partnering with its customers in the capacity of an advisor, consultant, assessor, or trainer.

We identify, quantify and prioritize current, contingent, and future ESG and sustainability exposures. Our experience allows us to anticipate issues, enabling them to be proactively addressed before transaction timelines are impacted.

Featured solutions

Unlock sustainable success with Consultivo’s expertise across the value chain.
Enhance your sustainability practices and build stakeholder trust with our comprehensive ESG reporting services.

Enhance your sustainability practices and build stakeholder trust with our comprehensive ESG reporting services.

Reduce your carbon footprint and drive sustainable growth with our expert guidance.

Solutions – How Consultivo can help

Remote Support
On-Site Support
Blended Support - Remote & On-site

Consultivo partners in your Business Responsibility and Sustainability Reporting

BRSR Reports - Reasonable Assurance Services by Consultivo


Gap Assessment against BRSR Requirements



BRSR Planning, Handholding and Implementation Support



Development of Monitoring Framework


BRSR Reporting

Report Preparation, Disclosure and Communication



Research Peer Industry Performances to set Goals


BRSR Independent Assurance

Reasonable and Limited Assurance

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BRSR Reports - Reasonable Assurance Services by Consultivo
ESG Reports and Reporting Services - Consultivo
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Online and Onsite Courses: Use our Training and Capacity Building expertise in Sustainability, CSR, Social Responsibility, and Social Governance.

What we deliver

Your challenge

Financial markets need to assess the risks and opportunities facing individual companies which arise from environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues, as these affect enterprise value, brand reputation and financials of an enterprise.

As an Independent Sustainability and ESG Consulting Firm, Consultivo offers complete Communication and Disclosure solutions for Corporate Reporting that includes GRI Based Sustainability ReportingESG ReportingCSR ReportingCarbon Footprint Reporting, Sustainability Communication Reports and other Custom Built Reports.

Well-composed public disclosure communication in the form of sustainability reporting provides investors and stakeholders with a clear understanding of a company’s approach, goals, and performance on the social and environmental issues most material to their business. 

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ESG, Sustainability CSR, Social and Community Development

Let's discuss

Impact Stories

The impact we create. The excellence we inspire.

Read a few of our stories as we partner in the BRSR and ESG journey of different organisations as an impact consulting firm.

Lubricant Manufacturing ESG BRSR Report Business Responsibility and Sustainability Reporting

ESG Gap Assessment Study, Preparation of ESG and BRSR Report

We conducted a study for a major company that manufactures and sells lubricants for cars and industries for many years.

Our project began by examining their business methods, current practices, and efforts related to Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) issues. Afterward, we carefully identified the areas where they could improve. The results of our study include a list of these gaps, how important they are, and specific recommendations on how to fill them.

This was followed by preparation of a BRSR Report as per the SEBI mandated process.

Relevant Standards and Protocols used:

ESG related standards and guidelines, BRSR, National Guidelines on Responsible Business Conduct (NGRBC), ISO 26000, Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards, SDG Guidelines, Good Industry Practices


Lubricant Manufacturing

Multiple Locations across Indian States

Consulting Areas



BRSR ESG Agro-processing and Food Industry Business Responsibility and Sustainability Reporting

End to end ESG and BRSR Consulting – Gap Assessment Study, Handholding,  Preparation of ESG and BRSR Report

This company is a leading agro-processing industry and has a focus on exports and the indigenous market, catering to the food, pharmaceutical & feed industries. They have 10 plants across India.

We supported them with end to end ESG and BRSR consulting solutions that included gap assessment, defining improvement opportunities and handholding support.

Finally we helped them to fulfil the reporting requirements, BRSR and ESG, and communicate the results to stakeholders to ensure transparency and accountability. 

Relevant Standards and Protocols used:

SEBI BRSR requirements, ESG Guidelines like TCFD, SASB, National Guidelines on Responsible Business Conduct (NGRBC), ISO 26000, Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards, SDG Guidelines, Good Industry Practices


Agro Processing Industry

Multiple Locations across Indian States

10 Plants

Consulting Areas



BRSR ESG Agrochemical and Food Industry Business Responsibility and Sustainability Reporting

End to end ESG and BRSR Consulting – Gap Assessment Study, Handholding, Preparation of ESG and BRSR Report

The organisation is a leading manufacturer of tree-borne specialty oils and fats to create rich experiences in the worlds of nutrition and personal care.

First, the objectives and scope of the end to end  ESG and BRSR consulting project were defined, which included evaluating the social, environmental, and economic impacts and identifying relevant stakeholders.

Next, data was collected through various means, including process owner interactions,  discussions and site visits.

Finally, the data was analysed to assess the effectiveness of ESG & BRSR initiatives, pinpoint areas for improvement, and develop an ESG and BRSR Report, which was communicated to stakeholders for transparency and accountability.

Relevant Standards and Protocols used:

SEBI BRSR requirements, ESG Guidelines like TCFD, SASB, National Guidelines on Responsible Business Conduct (NGRBC), ISO 26000, Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards, SDG Guidelines, Good Industry Practices


Agro-chemical, Food and Personal Care

One plant and head office activities in Central India

Consulting Areas

Consulting Domains


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Some more answers to your questions – FAQ

Is BRSR applicable for all companies?

Applicability of Business Responsibility and Sustainability Reporting (BRSR)

Reporting under the new requirements of Business Responsibility and Sustainability Reporting has been made mandatory for the top 1,000 listed companies by market capitalization from FY 2022-23 onwards.
Other companies can voluntarily submit BRSR effective 2021-22.

For the purpose of determining applicability of the requirement, market capitalization would be calculated as on 31 March of every financial year.

Business Responsibility and Sustainability Reporting and unlisted companies

As per the MCA committee recommendation, the reporting requirement may be extended by MCA to unlisted companies based on specified thresholds of turnover or paid-up capital.
Further, the committee recommends that on a voluntary basis, smaller unlisted companies below this threshold limit may adopt a lite version of the format.

Two formats for disclosures are available; a comprehensive format for listed companies; and a lite version for unlisted companies, in case it is extended to them.

Steps for Business Responsibility and Sustainability Reporting

Companies who are mandated to comply with SEBI BRSR reporting requirements need to invest in necessary mechanisms which could help in the following aspects:

  • Selection of the relevant and applicable ESG requirements material to the organization
  • Enable capturing the required data for reporting on the selected ESG issues
  • Selection of a suitable framework and related metrics that can be adopted by companies to facilitate transparent and accurate reporting
  • Level of assurance to be provided on such reporting
ESG Reporting and Global Movements

Governments of several countries have introduced disclosures on sustainability reporting. Countries like Denmark, South Africa, China, Malaysia and Philippines require certain companies to make disclosures in relation to their non-financial performance across ESG aspects.

EU Non-Financial Reporting Directive is one of the most significant EU-wide legislative initiatives to promote sustainability reporting. Climate change related reporting is prevalent in Australia, Mexico, USA, and in France. The Modern Slavery Act, first enacted by the UK in 2015 and more recently by Australia, asks each company to report on modern slavery not just in its operations but also in its global supply chains, thereby including many SMEs in emerging markets.

International investors with global investment portfolios are increasingly calling for high quality, transparent, reliable and comparable reporting by companies on climate and other environmental, social and governance (ESG) matters.

On 3 November 2021, the IFRS Foundation Trustees announced the creation of a new standard-setting board—the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB).

The ISSB will benefit from the consolidation of global bodies (Climate Disclosure Standards Board – CDSB, International Integrated Reporting Council – IIRC and Sustainability Accounting Standards Board – SASB) – as well as the support of International Organization of Securities Commission – IOSCO, Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures – TCFD and World Economic Forum – WEF). Together they share the aim of enterprise value-focused sustainability disclosures.

The World Economic Forum has also released a set of universal ESG metrics and disclosures that companies can report on. These metrics and disclosures are aligned with the UN SDGs: Principles of governance, planet, people and prosperity.

BRSR and Other Standards

Companies preparing and disclosing sustainability reports based on internationally accepted reporting frameworks such as GRI, SASB, TCFD, are allowed to cross refer the disclosures made under such framework to the disclosures sought under BRSR.

Companies may leverage existing disclosures to avoid repetitions.

Mandatory reporting under BRSR shall not restrict companies from making extensive disclosures in their annual reports voluntarily through integrated reporting or other sustainability report frameworks.

GLOBAL Experience



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