Green Audit in Colleges - NAAC Requirement

Green Audit – Independent Audit & Assurance Solutions

IFC (World Bank Group) Approved Independent Consultant


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Awareness Session on Green Audit

For Educational Institutions

The Awareness Session on Green Education Institute Audit will provide a detailed understanding of the assessment framework as per requirements of NAAC.

This course features a learning approach that provides an individual competence-building experience on Green Audit:

  • Context and background
  • Fundamentals
  • Components

Mode of Session: Online

Session Date: 12 July 2024 (Friday)

Session timing: 2 PM – 5 PM

Session fee: INR 500 (all inclusive)


Green audit

Green audit, also known as an Environmental Audit or Eco-Audit, is an independent assessment conducted to evaluate an educational institution’s environmental performance, resource utilisation, and compliance with environmental regulations.

It aims to identify areas of improvement and suggest measures to reduce environmental impact and enhance sustainability.

In the current situation, it is mandatory for all Higher Educational Institutions in India to get audited and work on the yearly Green Audit Report outcome.

In fact, it also links to the Corporate Social Responsibility of the Universities, marking their conscious contribution towards the betterment of the ecosystem.

Being one of the leading agencies in ESG and Sustainability domain, Consultivo is equipped to conduct Green Audits, Environmental Audits and Energy Audits customised to your educational institutes.

What we offer

As per National Assessment and Accreditation Council, New Delhi (NAAC) Requirement

Criterion 7 – Institutional Values and Best Practices, sustainable metrics are to be established through environment and energy initiatives.



Get your independent green audit report by Consultivo

Green audit report for NAAC Colleges

We deliver a complete solution to an educational institute.

Our Green Audit deliverables are:


A complete on-site audit as per requirements of NAAC. The report includes the compliance, as is status, opportunities and action plan to overcome the shortcomings.


Training and capacity building program for your management and implementation team.


A customised self assessment checklist that can be used by your internal team

Offering complete solutions to your requirements

Consultivo is a leading environment and energy management service provider for a range of industries, educational institutes and commercial buildings.

Read more on our Environmental Consulting Services


Environment audit

An environment audit to identify the compliance and risks in your educational institute that may lead to a loss. 

As an independent environmental audit company, we identify the areas of strength & weakness to provide a structured approach to continual improvement. 

Audits are conducted as per requirements of NAAC. 

The report includes the compliance, as is status, opportunities and action plan to overcome the shortcomings.


Energy audit

Energy audit as per requirements of NAAC. 

The report includes the present energy consumption trend, as is status, energy hotspots, present use and future possibilities of renewable energy, cost reduction plans, opportunities for improvements.

This report is a starting point of developing short, medium and long term action plans. 



ISO 50001 - Energy management

We provide a complete and comprehensive energy management consultancy service in India as per requirements of NAAC. 

We undertake certification consultancy services for ISO 50001 standard.

Featured Solution

For Educational Institutions

ISO 21001: Educational Organisations Management System (EOMS)

ISO certification consultancy for 21001 standard which guides educational institutions that support the development of knowledge through teaching, learning or research.

Stages of Green Audit or Environmental Audit

Step 1: Green Audit - Preparation

  • Define the audit scope and criteria
  • Plan and schedule the Green audit
  • Conduct an off-site data collection on the educational institutions’ facility and processes

Step 2: Conducting Green Audit

  • Conduct opening meeting
  • Visit the facility and understand the environmental as well as energy hotspots
  • Review documents, conduct interviews
  • Evaluate the Green Audit compliance & opportunity for improvements
  • Conduct closing meeting to debrief the audit outcome

Step 3: Post Audit

  • Preparation of Green Audit Report 
  • Development of an action plan in consultation with your management team
  • Share a customised (for your educational institute) self assessment checklist for internal audit and assessment.
Green audit and NAAC accreditation

The NAAC accreditation regulates and defines the performance and quality of the educational institutions in India. The NAAC grade exhibits the quality of education, learning infrastructure, research facilities, etc. 

The Green or Environmental Audit or Energy Audit is associated with the Criterion 7 – Institutional Values and Best Practices.

A green audit is critical for a college or educational institutes in determining the best grades from the National Assessment and Accreditation (NAAC). 

The green audit report for NAAC exhibits the practical ways through which colleges and universities are consuming natural resources and energy. The reports determine whether the educational campus is utilising the various natural resources or renewable energy.

A high-quality report of a green audit, helps ensure that the campus is environmentally sustainable. It evaluates the amount of green space on the campus and looks at other important environmental factors. This audit also examines how energy resources are used and managed, as well as other environmental elements

Read how positive NAAC Green or Environment Audit Report can enhance an educational institution’s reputation

Based on the green audit reports, the college can make the best strategies to make the campus ideal for students, teachers, and anyone associated.

It also helps the college acknowledge the wastage volume and consider different recycling projects for developing a sustainable ecosystem for the learners.

Simply put, it is a way to minimise wastage and create a more suitable place for learning with improved NAAC grades.

Would like to know beyond Green Audits? Read more about Consultivo Environmental Compliance Audits

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