Consultivo Knowledge Bank

Consultivo Knowledge Bank includes knowledge initiatives, engagements, and thought leadership activities.

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Energy efficiency in industry is no longer a mere compliance requirement; it’s a powerful driver for operational excellence, cost reduction, and sustainability.

Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) has evolved from being a mere compliance requirement to a crucial strategic element for businesses globally. 

The Indian Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and Consultivo have unveiled a Knowledge report, “Creating CSR Impact: The Change Maker’s Handbook,” a pivotal resource for Indian businesses, foundations, and NGOs dedicated to amplifying CSR impact in India. 

Get valuable insights and practical guidance on CSR Activities of Indian Companies – Lessons from Benchmarking study by ICC – Consultivo

ESG Leadership Handbook | The business world is undergoing a dramatic shift. Gone are the days when solely focusing on the bottom line was enough. Today, corporations are increasingly scrutinised for their environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices. 

🌟 Get ready to uncover the latest SHE trends in SHE Awards.
Dive deep into preparedness – analysing what it takes to stay ahead in the game. 🚀

National Building Code NBC 2016
Knowledge Bank

National Building Code 2016 – NBC

The Presentation discusses about the revised NBC rules, fire prevention techniques with reference to buildings and also some take-home points.

Knowledge Bank

Behaviour Based Safety (BBS) Handbook

Get insights into the antecedents & consequences influencing safe behaviour, BBS implementation programme & methods, the relationship between BBS & safety culture.
This handbook includes a 24-points self-assessment checklist.

Knowledge Bank

Business Risk Management

This knowledge report focuses on the need for compliance in risk management domain and how it can lead to a risk-aware culture.

Knowledge Bank

Sustainability in Mining & Metal

The ICC-Consultivo Knowledge Report provides a holistic sustainability landscape which will help organisations to move towards Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Knowledge Bank

Mapping the CSR space in India

This report analyses the aspects related to CSR such as policy, committee, director’s reports, annual disclosure and spends of companies as on 31 March 2018.

Knowledge Bank

Worker Safety Skill Training

This Worker Safety Skill Training Knowledge Paper gives an insight into the importance of staff worker training, reasons for higher loss exposure, the importance of job satisfaction and its correlation to health and safety and the various action points that are required to be undertaken to face the industry challenges.

sa 8000 social accountability
Knowledge Bank

Social Accountability Checklist

This Social Accountability Checklist and toolkit provides a comprehensive coverage that includes the benefits of social accountability, the measures needed to be taken to ensure legal compliance of an organisation, details of the SA 8000 certification system and the criteria needed to maintain a social accountability system.

Knowledge Bank

Leadership Challenges in Managing Contractor Induced Risk at Workplace

This knowledge report provides a coverage of various topics such as the Occupational Health & Safety Management System for Contractors’ Management, an analysis of the data as a result of the Contractor Safety Management Survey, areas to improve based on the result of the survey, the essential elements required for a safe workplace, Business Risk Management and the ways to monitor and review the health & safety performance of the Contractors.

Safety Culture Assessment
Knowledge Bank

Safety Culture Development

In this Knowledge Report, an attempt has been made to highlight the importance of people in the management of safety at the workplace. Organisations may have commendable policies, procedures, plans and programmes but, it is the successful implementation of these ideas which really matters. Successful implementation is not possible without engaging and motivating the people at the workplace.

safety audit presentation
Knowledge Bank

Safety Audit – An Overview | Presentation

This presentation (safety audit pdf) provides complete coverage of what safety audit actually is, the audit features, the different levels of verification, different kinds of approach, the factors on which safety depends, the requirements, the different standards for the safety audit, the complete audit process and the attributes of the auditor.

GLOBAL Experience

ESG, Sustainability CSR, Social and Community Development



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