ISO 45001:2018 standard: Publication just ahead | Consultivo

Consultivo News & Events | Business Excellence

ISO 45001 standard is presently being developed by a committee of occupational health & safety experts, it will take into account other National & International standards also.

ISO 45001, the new occupational health & safety (OHS) standard from the ISO stable has been approved for publication following an overwhelming support from the ISO member National standards bodies.

ISO 45001 standard is presently being developed by a committee of occupational health & safety experts. It will be in alignment with other generic management system approaches such as ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 9001:2015 as well as the same High-Level Structure (HLS). As expected by the industry, it will take into account other International Standards in this area such as OHSAS 18001, the International Labour Organisation’s ILO-OSH Guidelines, various National Standards and the ILO’s International labour standards and conventions. The ISO project committee ISO/PC 283, occupational health & safety management systems are currently developing the ISO 45001 standard.

The migration requirements from the International Accreditation Forum (IAF) is in place to help the certified organisations, certification bodies, accreditation bodies & other interested parties to migrate to ISO 45001 standard. There will be a three-year window (migration period) from the date of publication of ISO 45001:2018.

With a vast experience of implementation of OHSAS 18001 and other occupational health & safety standards in diversified organisations, Consultivo experts are sure that this standard will fit in the purpose for all organisations – irrespective of their size or geographical location. “This will act as a unified framework for every organisation that wishes to develop and maintain their OHS system”, says a Sr. Consultivo Management System Consultant.

With many of the ISO standards being revised, the team of Consultivo experts is on the job to identify the changes & their implications for ground-level implementation. We offer ISO 45001 standard training courses, onsite or e-learning and implementation support to organisations worldwide with their migration to the new standard.

According to the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO), the standard is expected to be published in March 2018.

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