Contractor Safety Management – CSM
Contractor Safety Management | CSM Audit & Consultancy Firm Implementation Support, Hand Holding & Audit
IFC (World Bank Group) Approved Independent Consultant

2K+ safety audits & assessments
in last two years
India, SAARC Countries & Middle East
Ready to serve anywhere you are
14+ years
at the forefront of Safety Advisory Space
20+ types of Industry Sectors
Covering Manufacturing, Mining, Agri-Business, Power & Utility, Warehouse, Construction, Services, FMCG, Logistics and Many More.
As Contractor Safety Management Consultant, we provide a comprehensive approach of CSM through a robust framework and models for success in managing contractors.
Our Contractor safety or CSM Audits or CSMS Audits help you measuring effectiveness of your system.
Our Contractor Safety Management (CSM) Program is designed to establish a process that will manage the risks related to the use of contractors.
CSMS helps an organisation to appreciate that Contract workers are a vulnerable population, and often they are performing higher risk jobs in worksites with limited resources, capability & control.
Customer specific methodologies
Through a process of partnership, we facilitate building client-specific methodologies and implementation tools to ensure contractors’ performance improvement.
Manage risks through a complete CSMS
Our Contractor Safety Management (CSM) Program is designed to establish a process that will manage the risks related to the use of contractors.
Solutions – How Consultivo can help
Remote Support
On-Site Support
Blended Support - Remote & On-site
Contractor Safety Management – Pre-qualification support
Pre-qualification support allows you to have a competent and compliant pool of contractors to use as needed.
It ensures an effective CSMS.
You become sure about the appropriate categorisation, qualifications, licenses, safety processes, appropriate level of insurance cover, review of contractual agreement – procurement contracts, pre-job tasks and risk assessment for the services you need.
Contractor Safety Management – Framework Development
What you get is a customised contractor management framework with processes, procedures, methodologies and checklists.
It covers pre-qualification to post evaluation stages and helps you to manage contractor safety related risks efficiently.
CSM Audit or CSMS Audit
CSM Audit or CSMS Audit is an evaluation process ensuring safety compliance in contractor activities, safeguarding workers and stakeholders from potential risks and hazards. It makes sure contractors follow safety rules to protect workers and others, prevent accidents and creates a safe working environment for everyone involved.
Safety performance appraisal audit or CSM Audit (during and/or after the project) or a contractor safety audit helps you to evaluate the effectiveness of your CSM.
It provides a platform to benchmark the safety performances among contractors.
Contractor Safety Management System – Capacity building and training
Capacity building, training and periodic interventions for contractors & their people are very critical to ensure the effectiveness of any CSMS.
Consultivo Academy provides multiple in-house courses for different target groups like workforce, supervisors, engineers and managers.
Courses are customised for your organisation and can be delivered in vernacular languages.
Featured training courses
5 steps towards Contractor Safety Management
A Risk Based Approach to contractor selection. An integral part of the bidding process & contract.
Pre-Job Risk Assessment
Method to evaluate the risk rating of the work to be performed - Initial as well as a detail risk assessment is generally performed.
Training & Interventions
Part of development process - awareness, communication, capacity building, engagement & interventions.
Periodic assessments during the contract term, which varies from daily checklists and/or safety talks to weekly walk through, monthly & yearly assessments
Post Job Evaluation
An evaluation of contractors after the work has been completed - outcome to be considered for future bidding.
Let's discuss
Impact Stories
The impact we create. The excellence we inspire.
Read a few of our stories as we partner organisations as an ESG and Sustainability Consultant Company and an Advisory Firm.
The company is a major steel plant with a 1.1 million tonnes steel-making capacity.
Assessment of contractor safety systems and process of high- risk service provider vendors are carried out based on Tata Steel CSMS standard requirements.
The on site assessments are conducted by qualified assessors. They capture objective evidence (Observation, Document Review and Interview). Assessment Report covers good safety practices, areas for improvements (AFI), major safety concerns, brief risk profile as appropriate.
A closing feedback is given to the respective contractor and assessment responsible for further communication with the contractor.
Relevant Standards and Protocols used:
Tata Steel Contractor Safety Protocol, IS 14489, Indian Legal Requirements, ISO 45001
Integrated Steel Plant
In India
200+ Contractors
Ongoing since March 2023
The FMCG manufacturing operation is having a World Class Manufacturing facility with advanced high-speed automated machines.
As a part of proactive initiatives to ensure Contractors’ Cultural Transformation in Safety the leadership team has engaged Consultivo.
For the purpose of the Cultural Transformation Program for contractors, we conducted on-site Safety Perception Survey, Group Discussions, behavioural observations, and a dipstick audit based on existing work instructions.
The long term project also includes root cause analysis and interventions aiming towards improved safety culture.
Relevant Standards and Protocols used:
Consultivo Safety Culture Transformation Program – SMILe 2.0
FMCG Manufacturing
One manufacturing unit in India
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Some more answers to your questions – FAQ
What are the benefits of Contractor Safety Management System or CSMS?
A comprehensive Contractor Management System or CSMS will ensure the following:
- Protect people, environment & assets
- Effective management with short-duration employees
- Improve contractor performance as measured in assessments & audits
- Improved safety performance metrics which improves marketability
How Consultivo can help organisations in CSMS?
As Contractor Safety Management Consultant we provide a comprehensive framework and risk based approach towards CSMS.
Our philosophy is embedded in years of experience in providing workplace health and safety consultancy services to some of the large organisations having high-risk potential.
We act primarily on behalf of our clients in providing them independent assurance and support that their contractors are compliant with their safety system requirements.
Our contractor safety model is primarily a 5 step framework. This Contractor Safety Management System is based on different national and international standards and good practices like National Safety Council – USA, HSE – UK, IFC, OISD etc.
It is also customised, tested and validated by our work experiences with several companies and locational units in the Indian subcontinent.
How can we help in CSM Audit?
A CSM Audit or assessment is considered as part of the monitoring and evaluation of a CSMS.
We conduct different kinds of audits and assessment like
- Pre-qualification CSM audit (evaluation)
- PSM Audit for performance monitoring
- Performance evaluation audit
- Maturity level assessment
- Any other customised audit, evaluation, study or assessment
Find more on our Construction Safety Audit
GLOBAL Experience