HIRA Training
Certified course by Consultivo Academy

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Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (HIRA) Training Solutions
HIRA Training – Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment or HIRA or Risk Management is a vital part of any proactive Occupational Health & Safety Management System, though relatively few organisations have been able to effectively weave it into their daily processes.
HIRA Training | Hazard identification and risk assessment of significance is the key to the whole system as it is the impact of significant risks that need to be managed. All hazards must be identified in order to determine if they are significant. Significance is determined via the assessment process and this in turn requires that appropriate controls are put in place to reduce this risk exposure to an acceptable level.
The types of risk exposures to be considered include all those that could lead to death, ill health, injury or other loss to humans.
The objective of carrying out HIRA in Safety is to determine whether people are likely to be adversely affected by any of the health & safety hazards. HIRA Trainings make people capable to conduct HIRA effectively.
Enterprise Learning Solutions
Request on-site training
Schedule OILT (Online Instructor Led Training)
Develop online content for your team (eLearning)
Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (HIRA) Training Onsite and Online Courses
Course Duration
Half Day (Four hour) OELT (Online Expert Led Training): Awareness level course suitable for top management
One day: Understanding and awareness level course suitable for supervisors and workers
Two days: Understanding, awareness and implementation level course suitable for front line managers & engineers
6-hour eLearning module
The course-duration can be chosen depending on the requirement, course coverage and target participants.
Course Coverage
Topics covered in any HIRA Training include:
A. Introduction of course objectives / methodology
B. Introduction to concept of Risk Management
- Definitions (Hazard, Hazardous Situations, Hazardous Event, Fault, Failure, Harm, Risk, Risk Analysis, Risk Assessment Matrix, ALARP)
- ISO 45001 requirements related to HIRA
- Context
- Risk Identification
- Risk Assessment
- Risk Management
- Risk Recovery
- Risk Recording
C. Risk assessment
- Assessment Methodologies
- Qualitative
- Semi Qualitative
- Quantitive
- Defining Likelihood
- Defining Consequence
- Determining Acceptability (ALARP)
- Risk Assessment Matrix & Risk Assessment in line with ISO 45001 HIRA requirements
D. Risk management
E. Basic Principles including Hierarchy of Control Measures
F. Risk recovery
- Failures
- Emergency Management
- Mitigation
G. Risk recording
- HIRA Worksheet Formats and Register, Safety Cases
H. Evaluation & Conclusion
HIRA Training Course Deliverables (Typically for any In house Training)
1. Course Agenda
2.Participant material
- ‘Successfully Qualified’ for participants for this Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment Training with 70% or more marks
- ‘Attended’ for participants with less than 70% marks
Learning Mediums
Slides & Presentations: Trainer will use the slides as a basis of discussion and explain furthermore.
Brain Storming and Buzz Group: Relevant topics would be given to the participants for discussion and obtaining view-points. After a short discussion, the trainer(s) will summarise the learning. The time duration of 5-10 minutes.
Case study: A situation will be given to the participants for working out the solution. Time duration:15-25 minutes.
Quiz: Interactive assimilation of learning and recapitulation.
Video Clips & Photographs: To depict real-time activities through sequential representation and graphical methods.
Recapitulation: Recapitulation is used to improve learning retention and generally conducted at the end of the sessions/days. The quiz is also used to facilitate the recap process.
Key Benefits for any HIRA Training
- At the end of the programme participants shall be able to achieve the following objectives:
- Understanding of Hazard identification and Risk Assessment Framework as per ISO 45001:2018 requirements
- Understanding the basic terms & definitions
- Understanding of Risk Identification Techniques
- Understanding of Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (HIRA) Procedure, Matrix and Formats
- Risk Management
- Risk Recovery
- Risk Recording
Target Participants – HIRA Training
This HIRA Training course is designed for front line engineers and middle management
However, Consultivo Academy can design & develop this course for any set of target participants as per the need of the organisation.
HIRA Training – Learning Objectives
- This Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment Training has been designed to help participants with the understanding of occupational health & safety (OHS) Risk Management
- It will enable the participant to understand the Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (HIRA) specific to your organisation
HIRA Training Certificates
Successful Completion of the HIRA Training or Hazard Identification and Risk Analysis (HIRA) course earns you a Consultivo Academy Certificate, an industry-accepted & recognised safety programme based on proven best training practices.
Nationally/Internationally accepted certificates are issued by Consultivo Academy. You may also opt for a joint certificate by Consultivo Academy & ICC (Indian Chamber of Commerce).
- An assessment of the competency improvement on Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (HIRA) is also suggested after a certain time interval.
- It is recommended for the participants to go through an e-learning refresher course after one year.
Consultivo courses are equipped with Pre and Post course assessments (where applicable) to evaluate the learning effectiveness.
This Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment Training can also accommodate Pre and post evaluation.
Trainers’ Profile: All Consultivo trainers are having 15-30 years of hand-on industry experiences backed up by relevant education and professional qualifications. They are also specially trained in the training skills and techniques and adult learning pedagogy.
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