OHS Legal Training Programme by Consultivo Academy

The training facilitated a two-way communication between the participants and the trainers to discussed their queries which helped to get more insights and understand & recapitulate their learnings in a better way.

Consultivo Academy conducted a one-day public training programme on OHS Legal on 29 June 2018 in Kolkata. This training on OHS legal requirements by Consultivo Academy was aimed to provide the required knowledge & practical techniques for effective OHS management system in an organisation/industry which form the basis for planning, implementing and monitoring of Occupational Health & Safety related legal compliance.

The training programme started with an ice-breaker where the participants had to introduce their neighbour. This programme was attended by front line engineers, junior-level & middle-level management and safety professionals from organisations like ITC Limited, Durgapur Projects Limited, Berger Paints India Limited, Eveready and others.

Our lead trainer conducted the training session in an interactive way helping the corporates to identify the gaps in their present OHS system. He gave a brief overview of the risks & hazards involved focusing on the OHS legal rules & acts applicable like the

Factories Act/Rules, Petroleum Act/Rules, Explosive Rules, SMPV Rules etc. as per different industries. This would enable the professionals to implement & monitor legal compliance of the occupational hazards in the workplace.

The training facilitated a two-way communication where the participants also discussed their queries with the trainer which helped them to get more insights and understand & recapitulate their learnings in a better way.

In the end, there was also a post-training evaluation for the participants to assess their awareness level & learnings from the training session. All the participants received training certificates from Consultivo Academy.

The Consultivo Academy training programme & methodology was highly appreciated by the participants. The overall impression of the participants bear the positive feedback, “It’s been an enriching experience for us to learn about the legal requirements required in safety and its significance. We are looking forward to implementing these acts & rules in our organisation”.

About Consultivo: Consultivo is a management advisory and consulting firm helping global businesses in the areas of Sustainability, Business Excellence & Risk Management – both in strategic and operational level. About Consultivo Academy Consultivo Academy is the strategic business unit for training and capacity building services. It nurtures and enrich people potentials through interactive & solutions oriented courses both in conventional and new age e-learning platforms.

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