Launch of ICC – Consultivo Knowledge Report on 27 June 2019, Taj Mahal Hotel, New Delhi
n frame (L-R) Nilanjan Chaudhari (Joint Director, ICC), Usha Singh (Director, MOIL), Vivek Gupta (Director-Raw Materials & Logistics, SAIL), Arun Kumar (Govt. of Jharkhand), Rajarshi Basu (Managing Partner-North India, Consultivo)
Consultivo Knowledge Initiative – The 8th India Minerals & Metals Forum, New Delhi is a flagship initiative of Indian Chamber of Commerce (ICC) with Consultivo as Knowledge Partner to generate new ideas & new thoughts among the various stakeholders to discuss, share and evolve suitable strategies & development models across the metal & mining industry. Mr S K Sadhu & Mr Rajarshi Basu from Consultivo
attended the event and interacted with the leadership team of metals, mining & mineral industries. This knowledge report on Sustainability in Metal & Mining is prepared through research, study & analysis, focussing on the priority issues for sustainable development across the metal & mining industry.
The Knowledge Report on Sustainability In Metal & Mining – Confronting challenges provides a holistic sustainability landscape which will help organisations to move towards Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The objective is to understand the priority issues for sustainability which would help the metal & mining industry to identify and address the economic, social & sustainability issues.
To summarise, the most far-reaching problems on the path towards a more sustainable metals & mining industry appear to occur at the boundaries between the ecosphere and the techno-sphere, as problems of resource availability on the one hand and problems of emissions & waste on the other.
The key intention is to encourage social & sustainable development through knowledge & learning. The ICC 8th India Minerals & Metals Forum provided a platform for both knowledge sharing and engaging with the corporates & stakeholders at a pan India basis in Sustainability.
About Consultivo:
Consultivo is a management advisory and consulting firm helping global businesses in the areas of Sustainability, Business Excellence & Risk Management – both in strategic and operational level.
About ICC:
The Indian Chamber of Commerce, or ICC as it is popularly known, is the premier body of business and industry in Eastern and North-Eastern India. The membership of the Chamber comprises several of the largest corporate groups in the country, with business operations all over the country and abroad. Set up by a group of pioneering industrialists led by Mr G D Birla, the Indian Chamber was closely associated with the Indian Freedom Movement, as the first organised voice of indigenous Indian Industry. Several of the distinguished industry leaders in India, such as Mr B M Birla, Sir Ardeshir Dalal, Sir Badridas Goenka, Mr S P Jain, Lala Karamchand Thapar, Mr Russi Mody, Mr Ashok Jain, have led the ICC as its President.
One of the most pro-active Chambers in India, the ICC has been privileged to interact and host several of the esteemed Indian Presidents and Prime Ministers in the past. With over eighty years of service to the nation, the ICC retains the character of being the premier Chamber with senior Indian industry leaders forming the core of its Executive Committee or the Governing Board of the Chamber. Its enlightened leadership and membership has enabled the ICC to move ahead and respond pro-actively to the dynamic changes that have taken place in the world order and with a vision for the future.
The ICC constituents are mainly large manufacturing units with operations all over the country and abroad.
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