Employee Safety Perception Survey | SMILe
Independent, Anonymous and Customised to your organisational need
IFC (World Bank Group) Approved Independent Consultant

2K+ safety audits & perception surveys
in last two years
India, SAARC Countries & Middle East
Ready to serve anywhere you are
14+ years
at the forefront of Safety Advisory Space
20+ types of Industry Sectors
covering Manufacturing, Mining, Power & Utility, Construction, Warehouses, Agri-Business, Services, High Rise Buildings, Hospitals and many more.
Employee Safety Perception Survey - SMILe
Employee Safety Perception Survey – SMILe is a powerful data-driven tool for understanding, benchmarking and catalysing your organisation’s safety performance.
Our methodology of workplace safety surveys is backed up by internationally validated methods that help reduce injuries by strengthening your safety culture.
Our Safety Perception Surveys are Independent, Anonymous, Quantified and Customised.
How an Employee Safety Perception Survey helps in your safety culture?
A Safety Perception Survey helps an organisation to understand the effectiveness of the safety management system from the other end of activities – the recipients. This is an output-driven measurement of the safety initiatives.
Based on the gaps identified in the survey and the subsequent recommendations, organisations will be able to strengthen their leadership initiatives and process components to foster a high performing continually improving safety culture.
Covered 100000+ population in last two years
You get 'As Is Situation' as well as Recommendations for improvement
Scope of the safety perception survey
An Employee Safety Perception Survey is carried out to:
- Evaluate the safety culture of the employees with reference to occupational health and safety issues
- Assess employee involvement level in the existing safety program
- Assess the employee perception regarding the existing safety management
Following key elements are addressed to evaluate the safety culture of employees:
Safety Leadership
- Management Commitment
Safety Management
- Safety Concerns
- Employee Training
- Emergency Management
- Safety Communication
Safety Culture
- Attitude Towards Safety
- Employee Participation
It’s something more…
It’s about working with people to change their attitude and behaviour at work as well as beyond the workplace.
Establishing a Culture of Proactive Leadership…
Enhancing your organisation’s safety culture is only about removing hazards in the workplace?
is it just institutionalising safety rules & procedures to improve the organisation’s safety performance?
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How do we conduct the survey?
It’s very important to conduct the survey by experienced resources who have the required skill sets of questioning techniques, conversant in locally used languages, understand the quality requirements of the survey. Additionally, they must be having adequate knowledge of safety management, safety culture and safety behaviour.
Consultivo uses veteran safety professionals as well as behavioural scientists; who have vast survey experiences. The team generally comprises of different layers of professionals who has specialised skills to interview top management as well as people with low literacy level.
Types of Employee Safety Perception Survey (ESPS)
Either it could be a baseline workplace safety survey or a follow-up survey. A baseline survey is being conducted for the first time in an organisation to know the ‘as is situation’ of the employees’ perception towards the safety system. A follow-up survey is to find out the improvements that happened due to the action plans initiated based on the previous survey.
How to design the questionnaire for the ESPS?
Developing a perception survey questionnaire needs a very specific set of competencies. Questions have to be simple, easy to understand, able to detect quality deficiencies during the survey and finally shall be able to meet the survey objectives when analysed.
We always develop a customised questionnaire for each of our employee safety perception surveys.
A Tool to diagnose and facilitate Your Safety Culture
Involving every level of your organisation, the Employee Safety Perception Survey gives your organisation an objective, data-driven process for understanding how your safety culture changes over time.
Periodic use of the Safety Perception Survey gives you an effective process for assessing, benchmarking and catalysing safety culture improvement at every stage of your journey to world-class safety. Employees accept the outcome with confidence. Corporate leaders become aware of how the company is performing in terms of safety culture. For organisations with an existing safety program, this process can focus and rejuvenate efforts by rapidly penetrating into all levels of the organisation.
Read the Consultivo Blog
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Impact Stories
The impact we create. The excellence we inspire.
Read a few of our stories as we partner organisations as an ESG and Sustainability Consultant Company and an Advisory Firm.
The internationally reputed company is a major construction, mining and power solutions provider with more than 25 locations in India. Their major challenge was working with multiple standards and legal requirements of different stakeholders.
We started with the development of an inhouse standard and guideline which was implemented across the locations.
We customized our scored assessment protocol ‘Protosafe’ as per their requirements and developed a three year plan. The safety performance scorecard provided the required guidelines to the management for improvement. Our recommendations facilitated the actions.
A definite positive trend of improvements observed in the subsequent years.
Relevant Standards and Protocols used:
Consultivo ProtoSafe, IS 14489, Indian Legal Requirements, ISO 45001
Construction, power, heavy equipment and services
25 Locations across India
4000+ workpersons
Since 2018
Project ongoing till April 2023.
An international automotive manufacturer intended to reduce the OHS risks across the value chain – dealers/workshops. We created a customized OHS audit protocol keeping the focus on the relevant potential hazards and risks. The outcome includes analytics, scoring, benchmarking among the entities.
The project is ongoing for 1200+ units across India.
Relevant Standards and Protocols used:
Consultivo ProtoSafe, IS 14489, Indian Legal Requirements, ISO 45001
1200+ units
A large Naphtha Based Petrochemical Complex needed statutory safety audit as per IS 14489 standard. This audit was intended for meeting compliance and finding out potential risks from an independent expert perspective.
Consultivo was selected after a rigorous technical evaluation process which was focused on the quality of experience and expertise of both the organization as well as the auditors. The team was carefully chosen with diversified expertise in General Safety, Fire Safety, Process Safety and Electrical Safety with adequate Oil & Gas (Refinery & Petrochemical) experience.
The audit was conducted as per IS 14489:2018 standard and a detailed report was submitted with specific gaps, risks and recommendations.
Relevant Standards and Protocols used:
Consultivo ProtoSafe, IS 14489, Indian Legal Requirements, ISO 45001
Construction, power, heavy equipment and services
One Location with Naptha Cracker Unit and 12 Associated Plants
Captive Power Plant
Pipeline to Jetty
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Some more answers to your questions – FAQ
How do we select samples?
Depending on the scope and boundary of the survey, the total population is divided into different strata of homogeneous groups like top management, middle management, junior management, supervisors, technicians & own workers and contractor workers.
The final number of sampling strata or categories, level of confidence, confidence interval depend on the objective of the workplace safety survey as well as several practical onsite situations.
How to design the questionnaire for the ESPS?
Developing a workplace safety survey or safety perception survey questionnaire needs a very specific set of competencies. Questions have to be simple, easy to understand, able to detect quality deficiencies during the survey and finally shall be able to meet the survey objectives when analysed.
It’s good to develop a customised questionnaire for each of our employee safety perception surveys.
GLOBAL Experience