Health and Safety Training Courses

Online, On-Site & In-house Courses

Certified course by Consultivo Academy

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Health and Safety Training Solutions

Safety Training is a specialised subject and needs an explicit focus. Consultivo academy offers well-designed health and safety training courses for all kind of industries.

What are the OHS knowledge & skills required for the workforce?

Other than generic Occupational Health & Safety (OHS) awareness programs, you may also require trainings for specific kinds of work, including (but not limited to) confined space entry, electrical work, hot work, energy control, forklifts, elevated work, etc. Specialised safety trainings include hazard identification, Behaviour Based Safety (BBS), Work Permit System, PPE, LOTO, fall prevention, Fire Safety, Emergency Preparedness etc.

Keeping the contract workers safe…

Contract workers are a vulnerable population. With contractors often performing higher risk jobs in worksites with little to no management supervision, one of the best practices in an employer’s OHS program is to have a formal contractor management program.

Planned and structured training of contract population of workers form the backbone of any such contractor management program.

Enterprise Learning Solutions

Request on-site training
Schedule OILT (Online Instructor Led Training)
Develop online content for your team (eLearning)
Course Details

Health and Safety Training Onsite and Online Courses

Course Duration

Half day/Four hour OELT (Online Expert Led Training): Awareness level course suitable for top management

One day: Understanding and awareness level course suitable for supervisors and workers

Two days: Understanding, awareness and implementation level course suitable for front line managers & engineers

May request for a customised 6-hour eLearning module

The course-duration can be chosen depending on the requirement, course coverage and target participants.

Course Coverage

Workplace Safety Foundation Program – Course Outline

This course features a unique learning approach that provides an individual knowledge & awareness building experience through an overview and basic knowledge of occupational health & safety.

Topics covered include:

1. Workplace safety foundation programme: #BeSafe

  • Why safety is important for you
  • Basics of safety
  • Fundamental concepts
  • Hazard identification
  • Workplace safety & work practices
  • Hazardous work permit
  • Fire & Emergency response and
  • Your role in safety

2. Specialised Workplace Safety Training Programs

Industries require different training programs for specific kinds of hazardous work. ConSkills offer the entire range of safety training including (but not limited to):

  • Confined Space Entry
  • Electrical Work
  • Hot Work
  • Energy Control
  • Safe Forklift Operation
  • Elevated Work and Fall Prevention
  • Hazard Identification
  • Work Permit System
  • Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
  • Lock Out Tag Out (LOTO)
  • Safe Crane Operation
  • Scaffolding Safety
  • Fire Safety
  • Emergency Preparedness

3. Behaviour Based Safety

These programmes will help your safety system to sustain & improve through psychological interventions.

  • Behaviour Based Safety
  • Safety Culture Building Programme
  • How to prevent unsafe behaviour at work

The course can be tailor made in terms of duration, level of detail, and according to company requirements.

Did You Know?

Young workers and contractor workers are more vulnerable towards injury and ill health at work.

CONSKILLS – A Skill Training Hub from Consultivo

The workplace safety skills learning process for the workers demands completely different approach than that of the management training.
Each Conskills training program starts with introduction & icebreakers; it ends with conclusions, evaluation, & action points.

Health and Safety Courses in India and across the globe – Consultivo Academy offers the complete range of Occupational Health and Safety Training Courses suitable for Management, Front Line Managers, Executives, Supervisors and the entire workforce of the organisation. Safety Courses are also customised for different industries.

Online Expert Led Training (OELT) programs are conducted for individuals and groups; where the trainer interacts remotely.

Consultivo Academy has conducted Health and Safety Courses in India and across the globe for different sets of target participants as per the need of the organisation.

ConSkills is the specialised worker training hub from Consultivo.

Each Health and Safety Training Course is aimed to make people competent in the respective topics to make their workplaces safer for everyone.

Onsite Training: Onsite trainings are organised at your place with customised course content specific to your organisational hazards and target participants.

Online Training: Individuals and Organisations may opt for Online Expert Led Courses (OELT) or developing this course in eLearning format (SCORM) to run through their own eLearning Management System (LMS) platform. Consultivo eLearning courses are interactive, modular and can be developed in vernacular languages.

Public Training: Consultivo Academy organises regular public courses where you may nominate yourself or your colleagues. In our public courses, participants from different industry sectors join to share their experiences and gain collaborative subject knowledge.

Successful Completion of each Training course earns you a Consultivo Academy Certificate, an industry-accepted & recognised safety programme based on proven best training practices.

Nationally/Internationally accepted certificates are issued by Consultivo Academy. You may also opt for a joint certificate by Consultivo Academy & Indian Chamber of Commerce (ICC).

Consultivo courses are equipped with Pre and Post course assessments (where applicable) to evaluate the learning effectiveness.

Trainers’ Profile: All Consultivo trainers are having 15-30 years of hand-on industry experiences backed up by relevant education and professional qualifications. They are also specially trained in the training skills and techniques and adult learning pedagogy.

Consultivo Trainers have extensive experience in conducting more than 750 Health and Safety Courses successfully in India and across the globe.

Get certified by Consultivo Academy

Sample Certificate

If you want us to design a customised training course for your organisation, please download & fill this form up!

Related training programmes

Course Design Input Form

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