Research, Study & Analytics

Strategic Research – Social Research – Survey Solutions

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Research, Study & Analytics Consultancy Solutions

Being one of the strategic and social research companies in India, we specialize in bringing insights out through data driven approaches.

Use our more than 12 years of global experience in Strategic Research, Social Survey, Study, Research & Analytics Projects covering social, environmental, safety, human rights, business ethics issues and business excellence.

How can we help?

Consultivo research & study team can develop a customized research project for your organisation.

We understand your as well as your stakeholders’ requirements on sustainability, business excellence and business risk issues. We offer a complete range of support to develop & customize questionnaires, field data collection, secondary research, analytics, interpretation and reporting with recommendations.

They are practical, effective and easy to use for that particular industry. Often further support is provided with capacity development programs.

As one of the Research and Analytics companies in India, our research team has rich experience in social issues, community development, business ethics, sustainability practices and business excellence. We work with global codes, standards and guidelines especially GRI Based Sustainability Reporting, ISO 26000, CSR Legal requirements in India, National Voluntary Guidelines, Stock Exchange mandates like BRSR SEBI Requirements, IFC Guidelines etc.

Solutions - How Consultivo can help

Remote Support
On-Site Support
Blended Support - Remote & On-site


Management Systems & Business Excellence

Consultivo as one of the leading social research companies in India – The unique experience

Extensive experience of challenges, solutions and good practices:

Consultivo as an organisation has acquired wealth of knowledge in numerous global codes and standards and good practices; while partnering with its customers in the capacity of an advisor.

Benefit from academic prudence and industry sector experience:

Consultivo researches are carried out by the industry veterans and it is backed up by Subject Matter Experts (SME) and academic prudence. All Consultivo research projects are backed up by sound research methodology and approach, including work plan, implementation strategies, monitoring and evaluation and quality control mechanism. Consultivo research methodologies are the intellectual property of Consultivo group.

Solution-based approach:

Solution orientation is a combination of things put together to deliver a higher impact with visible improvements.

Practical knowledgeable & competent resource:

Customers get benefits out of our carefully developed knowledge culture.

What we deliver in the form of research report

Quality Content

  • Aligned with research project objectives
  • Reflects what the management needs to know – Risks, Controls, Priorities, Compliances and Improvement Opportunities
  • Statistical analysis with interpretation
  • Recommendations – Intervention plans
  • In line with national & international standards & national legal requirements
  • Recommendations, Action Plans

Right Communications

  • Management dashboard with analytics, graphs, charts, infographics
  • Clear guidance for operational professionals and executors
  • Professional and easy to understand quality language, clear and concise

For business leaders who aspire to better decision-making, corporate communications and corporate policy development, Consultivo Research Centre (CRC) gives the insight for that as a trusted source of specialist strategic research & analytics.

Improve your competence & qualification with Consultivo Academy

Consultivo Academy training and certification is a formal recognition that you have demonstrated proficiency within, and acquired a specific level of knowledge and competence.

Remote Research, Survey and Studies

Consultivo Remote Survey and Study projects are full function research engagements covering both primary and secondary data.

Fully remote or coupled with physical presence, Remote Survey and Studies can enable time & cost-efficiency, access to competence, increases reach and mitigate risk.

Let's discuss

Curiosity Zone

Some more answers to your questions – FAQ

Consultivo is one of the practicing Strategic and Social Research companies in India.

Strategic research projects are detailed investigation, study, analysis and interpretation that bring insights for business.

Consultivo offers wide ranges of research projects including socio-economic research, ESG due-diligence, human behaviour based research projects and many others.

Consultivo is one of the practicing Social Research companies in India.

We cover wide range of services for industry, civil society organizations, government, investors and many others. Generally our research projects are classified into three types:

1. Field Research (Primary Research)
  • Quantitative Research – Consultivo research has considerable experience in quantitative field work and in doing multi-country studies and is dedicated to providing clients with the highest level of service and support. We offer all kinds of quantitative field work services.
  • Qualitative Research – We also conduct qualitative research in different sectors across the industry.

The field research is done through:

  • Experiment
  • Questionnaire
  • Observation
  • Interview, Focus Group Discussion etc.
2. DeskTop Research (Secondary Research)

Secondary research or desktop research are part and parcel of all primary researches. They help in identifying and collecting research inputs from different authentic sources. Generally they are being done through:

  • Review of literature, newspaper articles
  • Referring official and non official reports published previously
  • Library approach
3. Combination of both (Primary Research + Secondary Research)
Data Science is the science of analyzing raw data using statistics and machine learning techniques with the purpose of drawing conclusions about that information. The whole purpose is deriving insights from data for positive business impact.

Data Science is used in many organisations across the industry to make better business decisions, and in the sciences to test models or theories.

Data science including statistics and machine learning can successfully be used in most strategic and social research projects.

Read more: Business insights through statistics, data science and machine learning

As one of the practicing Strategic and Social Research companies in India, Consultivo uses data science extensively for its research projects.

GLOBAL Experience



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Consultivo and Slate of Swan wish you joy and cheer this festive season.

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