Electrical Safety

Independent Electrical Safety Consultants | Audit – Advisory – Training

Consultivo helps organisations to manage risks and implement loss prevention measures.

IFC (World Bank Group) Approved Independent Consultant

500+ electrical and fire safety assignments

in last two years

India, SAARC Countries & Middle East

Ready to serve anywhere you are

14+ years

at the forefront of Safety Advisory Space

20+ types of Industry Sectors

covering Manufacturing, Mining, Power & Utility, Construction, Warehouses, Agri-Business, Services, High Rise Buildings, Hospitals and many more.


Electrical Safety

Electrical Safety hazards are increasingly posing higher risks in industry and workplace. Being one of the practicing consultants, we help organisations to design precautions in line with relevant standards and rules to prevent loss in the form of shocks, burns, injury, fire and explosion.

Many of the fire situations also occur due to electric short circuits.

Electrical Safety Standards

We work with multiple national and international standards, codes and guidelines to help you to manage electrical hazards effectively. Few of them are mentioned below:

    • Indian Electricity Act and Central Electricity Authority Regulations
    • National Building Code NBC
    • OISD Standards
    • NFPA Standards NFPA 70, 70B, 70E, 78
    • TAC Guidelines
    • Relevant Indian & International Standards
    • Good Industry Practices (GIP)

Electrical Safety Solutions – How Consultivo can help

Remote Support
On-Site Support
Blended Support - Remote & On-site


Electrical Safety Audit

Provides a 360 degree picture of the electrical safety hazards and controls within the organisation.

The outcome of the Electrical Audit is a scored evaluation, risk priority, recommendations and much more.


Hazardous Area Classification

HAC helps you to plan, identify and manage your explosive atmosphere related risks and facilitates right selection and installation of electrical equipment.

Consultivo Hazardous Area Classification Solution will support you in selection and installation of electrical equipment to be used safely in that hazardous environment.


Thermography Test

Thermography of electrical panels and equipment helps you to manage your electrical and fire safety risks.

Electrical thermography or thermal imaging is the technique that uses an infrared imaging process.

The objective of the Thermographic Tests is to identify abnormally high temperatures within electrical distribution systems.

This can be used as a part of predictive maintenance.


Electrical Safety Training

Online and On-site certified courses are designed to build competence in managing safety related electrical hazards in the workplace.

The Electrical Safety Training Courses can be customised to your organisational needs.

This Onsite and Online Electrical Safety Training covers identification, assessment & mitigation of electrical hazards in the form of shocks, burns, injury, fire and explosion at workplaces.

Other solutions in Electrical Safety

Reduce workplace risks and create safer working environments.

Did you know?

Nearly 40% of Electrical accidents have resulted into fatality indicating its potential of severity

Let's discuss

Featured Solutions

Impact Stories

The impact we create. The excellence we inspire.

Read a few of our stories as we partner organisations as an ESG, Sustainability and People Advisory Consulting  Firm.

Chemical Manufacturing Industry Lightning Protection Study Safety Audit BRSR Report

Lightning and Surge Protection Study

for an Indian multi-unit and multi-product organisation – a leading manufacturer of glycols, ethoxylates and PEGs, performance chemicals, glycol ethers and acetates, natural gums and potable alcohol.

The activities include classification of risk and probability factors, Review of
existing lightning and surge protection system, identifying the gaps against national and international standards and suggesting recommendations to meet the gaps.

Relevant Standards and Protocols used:

IEC 62305-1: Protection against lightning – Part 1: General Principles, IEC 62305-2: Protection against lightning – Part 2 Risk Management, IEC 62305-3: Protection against lightning – Part 3: Physical damage to
structures and Life, IEC 62305-4: Protection against lightning – Part 4: Surge Protection of equipment, IS 2309 – 2005: Protection of Buildings and Allied Structures Against Lightning Legal Requirements and many more.


Agro and Speciality Chemicals Manufacturing Plant

Location - India

1000+ workpersons

August 2023

Featured Insights

Curiosity Zone

Some more answers to your questions – FAQ

In which type of industry we can use electrical system related safety measures?

Every kind of entity, be it a large hazardous industry or a small service unit, electrical safety is one of the fundamental requirements for their loss prevention strategy. Even, it is very important for our home. Few of the entities are mentioned below:

  • Manufacturing units
  • Hazardous organisations
  • Office buildings
  • Warehouses
  • Service sectors like IT hubs/data centers, hospitals, hotels, educational institutes
  • Housing & colonies, high rise buildings, commercial buildings

It is applicable for organizations of all sizes and types.

Electrical hazard and safety precautions become so much important to reduce injuries and deaths associated with the use of electricity. Electrical Hazards and Safety have become an area of concern for all types of industries.

Nearly 40% of electrical accidents have resulted in fatality indicating its potential of severity.

As one of the practicing Electrical Safety Consultants in India and it’s neighboring countries, Consultivo provides independent and unbiased industry specific solutions in the areas of Hazardous Area ClassificationFire Safety AuditElectrical Safety AuditElectrical and Fire Safety AuditWarehouse SafetyThermographic StudySafety Legal Compliance and many more.

View our complete range of Safety Consultancy Services

A checklist is a ready available guideline which helps a person or organisation to ensure multiple electrical safety precautions are taken against different hazards.

Safety of a electrical system comprises of many complex methods, electrical hazard and safety precautions and controls. They generally are in line with multiple electrical hazard and safety standards and legal requirements. A shop floor person, it is very challenging to understand, remember and comply with so many technical and system requirements.

So, it is advisable to develop a site hazard specific checklist to facilitate the effective implementation of electric related risk management.

Free Download Electrical Safety Checklist for self assessment of your organization.

Lightning Risk Assessment Study is actually the measure of the risk of a lightning strike and the probability of damages. It assesses the lightening risks to the facility according to international standards requirements. The  calculations are based on several Safety Standards like IEC Standard 62305-2.

In the risk management approach, the lightning threats that create risk are identified, the frequencies of all risk events are estimated, the consequences of the risk events are determined, and if these are above a tolerable level of risk, protection measures are applied to reduce the risk (R) to below the tolerable level (Ra). This involves a choice from a range of protection level efficiencies for protection against direct (d) strikes to the structure and decisions about the extent of other measures for protecting low-voltage and electronic equipment against indirect (i) lightning stresses incident from nearby strikes.

As one of the practicing Electrical Safety Consultants in India and it’s neighboring countries, Consultivo provides independent and unbiased industry specific solutions.

Arc Flash is a dangerous condition associated with the release of energy caused by an electric arc. The temperature can reach 19500 degree C. Fatal burns can occur at distances over 10 ft. and sound associated with these pressures can exceed 160 dB.

Arc Flash Study scope includes –

  • Determination of the risk of personal injury as a result of exposure to incident energy from an electrical arc flash
  • Determination of the incident energy evolved, safe flash protection boundary and PPE requirements as a function of location and work activity
  • To provide designers and facility operators to apply in determining the electrical safety precautions like arc-flash hazard distance and the incident energy to which employees could be exposed during their work on or near electrical equipment

As one of the practicing Electrical Safety Consultants in India and it’s neighboring countries, Consultivo provides independent and unbiased industry specific solutions.

Harmonics are AC Voltages and Currents with frequencies with integral multiples of the fundamental frequency. Most of the times, industrial load non-linear which generates harmonics. Harmonics arise from inverters, VFDs, rectifiers, voltage controllers, frequency controllers and other semiconductor switching devices generators, transformers, welders and arc furnaces.

Harmonic Study Analysis is a proactive way to safeguard electrical and electronic equipment from damage due to a rise in harmonic levels.
The study identifies harmonic sources, recommend ways to protect the equipment from power related problems and ensures safety against loss and interruptions.

As one of the practicing Electrical Safety Consultants in India and it’s neighbouring countries, Consultivo provides independent and unbiased industry specific solutions.

The objective to carry out Infrared scanning – Thermography Test is to detect hot spot in the Electrical System & to analyse the hotspots as per different Electrical Safety Standards like NFPA & NETA.

General coverage of a Thermography Study include:

  • HT System – Cable Termination, Dual Pole Structure, CT, PT
  • Transformer – Transformer Bushing, LT side cable termination, Fins, Conservator
  • LT Panel Rooms – LT Panels, Capacitor Banks/terminations, Servos
  • UPS, All LDBs, PDBs, Feeders, MCB DB, Terminations

As a practicing Safety Consulting Agency in India and it’s neighboring countries, Consultivo provides independent and unbiased industry specific solutions in the areas of Hazardous Area ClassificationFire Safety AuditElectrical Safety AuditElectrical and Fire Safety AuditWarehouse SafetyThermographic StudySafety Legal Compliance and many more.

View our complete range of Safety Consultancy Services

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