Consultivo Blog | Business ExcellenceÂ
When the world is SNS (Social Networking Site) driven and SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) concerned,
Will Shakespeare still be considered as such a prodigy? Okay, let’s just get the readability score of William Shakespeare.
William Shakespeare has always been the greatest of all the writers in the history of English literature, the epitome of the entire English language.
Most of us have penned something like the above in any exam or project work, sometime in a lifetime. And yes, we do honestly believe such.
But when the world is SNS (Social Networking Site) driven and SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) concerned, will Shakespeare still be considered as such a prodigy? Okay, let’s just get the readability score of William Shakespeare.
Readability test checks the ease of reading any document through its certain formulas. The score generally ranges between 0-100 where higher the number, easier the readability.
The need for it emerged as readers are now more likely to scan the key information of the content through skimming and scrolling. Thus easy readability with optimised focus keywords helps in grasping the reader’s attention with easy understanding and clear message of the write-up.
While going through this last paragraph, the readability score of Shakespeare must have already formed the preconceived notion in our minds. Considering that the English language style itself have changed a lot and Shakespeare was deprived of these online content assessment tools, would it be hard for us to assume his unpleasant score? Oh, poor Shakespeare!
But, wait! Before we start having a timid self-satisfaction by recollecting our report card days perhaps, let’s get the facts correct.
Well, it is not pretty easy to assess all of his work for the SEO appropriateness. Still, going through the major ones, this is how we can sum up: most of his works range from 40s-60s. But here it doesn’t end. He strikes at 90s too.
Raised eyebrows? Oh yes, the vowel shifts, change in the grammatical affixes, vocabulary extension- none of it could actually resist him to deliver the lordly quality. The quality which knows how to rule, even after 400 years. If you have read his writings, you know the rest. Don’t you? Now it won’t be absurd to wonder if even 100/100 can reflect his artistry! A prodigy is always a prodigy, anywhere in the time machine.
With this approbation, another question pops up here. What is the use of the content analysis tools then? Are all the statistical data, search ranks, analytics in vain as this age tools could not recognise the quality factor? Are they only the comedy of errors?
Oh, it’s a NO. It’s a no without batting an eye.
Through the readability tests, one can modify the content into reader-friendly. Intelligent uses of keywords make an optimised content. Tactfully managing the words per sentence scores better. And of course, the word count counts!
All these work up together for an SEO friendly content. After all, visibility is the key to display one’s ability.
However, none of the techniques can replace or rephrase quality. Quality is a cerebral activity, nothing technological. But surely these modern-aged content analysis tools are worthy add-ons. Now we may consider them as the mascot and carry on with the clinch to pen down the content. After all, at the end, quality is the ultimate winner.
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About the author
Lead – Communication, Consultivo
Medha Basu currently serves as the Lead – Communication at Consultivo ( In her role, Medha primarily works on communication, engagement, first mile activities and data analytics.
She is having 5+ years of experience in the sustainability consulting and advisory sector. As a communication professional, she knows perfectly what it takes for successful communication.
After her studies, Medha started her career with digital engagement and business communications. She picked up the flair of sustainability communication with a diverse exposure with 100+ sustainability solutions
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